Cough, Cold, Flu, and Allergy Relief Options for Children
Homeopathic products are one of the few over-the-counter (OTC) choices for parents searching to help little ones suffering from common winter ailments and seasonal allergies.
FDA: Use Caution When Giving Cough and Cold Product to Kids
Since 2008, OTC medications containing antihistamine and decongestant now state “do not use in children under 4 years of age.” At that time, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration questioned the safety and efficacy of these products for children.
The FDA panel felt the risk of human error in using these ingredients outweighed the benefits for children, which were estimated based on using a fraction of an adult dose. However, variations in metabolism and in weight for children in this age group are significant. Furthermore, statistics show the rate of accidentally giving more than the recommended amount, giving medicine too often, giving more than one product containing the same drug, or giving children medicine made for adults.
Homeopathy is One of the Safest Choices

Boiron offers several choices for children depending on symptoms, age, and form to ease the challenge of getting children to take medicine. These choices have either no taste or taste sweet.

Cough & Chest Congestion
Chestal® Kids Honey, for use in children ages 4 and up, temporarily relieves dry cough due to minor throat and bronchial irritation as may occur with a cold.*

Cold & Cough
Chestal® Kids Cold & Cough, for ages 4 and up, relieves symptoms of the common cold such as nasal and chest congestion, fitful cough, sneezing, minor sore throat, and runny or stuffy nose.*

ColdCalm® Kids Pellets, for ages 4 and up, temporarily relieves cold symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, and minor sore throat.*
ColdCalm® Baby comes in pre-measured liquid doses for children 6 months and up.

Flu-Like Symptoms
Oscillococcinum® temporarily relieves flu-like symptoms such as body aches, headache, fever, chills, and fatigue and can be given to children age 2 and up.*