Lately we have been hearing from pediatricians all across the country about our Camilia teething medicine, and we’re pleased to share them with you here!
This benzocaine-free medicine is definitely a must-have for these doctors. See what other health care professionals have to say about our medicine.
“As a holistic pediatrician, I prefer safe, natural remedies that consistently relieve undesirable symptoms. Boiron’s Camilia definitely falls within this category. I routinely recommend Camilia for the pain and irritability that can accompany teething. Several parents have told me that after a couple of doses, their babies open their mouths with excited anticipation when the Camilia is pulled out!”—Dr. Pam Middleton, Newport Beach, Calif.
“I keep a stock box of Camilia in my office. I often use it to calm irritable teething infants and toddlers in my office to make the whole “trip to the doctor” experience more comfortable for everyone! I recommend it to all my new moms who have had nothing but positive things to say about how Camilia calms their babies.”—Dr. Natalie Lambajian-Drummond, Aurora, Ill.
We would love to hear how Camilia has helped your baby! Share your story with us on our Facebook page.